

Brands, Trademarks, and Registration

Register Your Trademark ASAP and Lay the Smackdown on Your Competition

This year, WrestleMania turns the big 3-0. For some wrestling fans, that is exciting news. For others, it is sobering (I also turn 30 this year). World Wrestling Entertainment's signature event started in 1984. Of...
by Guest Blogger February 12, 2014

Five Reasons to Hire a Trademark Lawyer to File Your Trademark Application

"[T]rademark lawyers can help you during the application process with several things that could seriously impact your trademark rights" -U.S. Patent and Trademark OfficeSure, you can file your own trademark application, but just because you...
by Guest Blogger February 11, 2014

Hottest Fitness Trademarks to Get in Shape in 2014

High-intensity interval training is the hottest fitness trend for 2014. According to a survey conducted by the American College of Sports Medicine, the largest sports medicine and exercise science organization in the world, high-intensity interval...
by Guest Blogger February 06, 2014

Through the (Money) Wire: The Coinye/Kanye West Trademark Litigation

Here at Trademarkology, we want to protect people. Protect them from the wrath of Kanye West.You may have heard about Mr. West's most recent target, the upstarts at Coinye West. They founded a cryptocurrency, like...
by Guest Blogger February 05, 2014

Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber: One Should Be Your Branding Role Model

This is not an example of good management of a brand that markets its services to children.[/caption] It is not uncommon for companies to rebrand. Market forces, an outdated image, a bad reputation, new...
by Guest Blogger February 04, 2014

4 Buzziest Super Bowl Ads

Sure, the Super Bowl will feature Peyton Manning's face, Richard Sherman's mouth, and Beast Mode®. We come for the football, but we stay during the commercial breaks for the ads. So, which brands are the...
by Guest Blogger January 30, 2014

6 Considerations for Developing a Great Trademark

Developing a trademark for your new business or product line is a difficult, but critical, exercise. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach for every business, every company must consider these six basic questions before settling...
by Guest Blogger January 28, 2014

The "Super" Trademark Strategy Behind "The Big Game"

More than 100 million people are expected to watch Super Bowl XLVIII on February 2, 2014. It is the most watched television event in the world. Last year, the game was seen by over 10...
by Guest Blogger January 23, 2014