

Brands, Trademarks, and Registration

Live from Hong Kong: 7-11, McDonald's, and Apple

Trademarkology is coming to you live from Hong Kong today! I'm attending the International Trademark Association Annual Meeting in Hong Kong, and it has been quite an experience so far. While most of my week...
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC May 12, 2014

Trademark Week in Review: May 9, 2014

Here's your weekly roundup of stories in the world of trademarks: Bill Ferrell wrote a piece about The Heartbleed Backstory and the Awesome Power of Branding Bloomberg reports that Swatch is mixing it up with...
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC May 09, 2014

USPTO Holds Veto Power Over President Obama Trademark Applications

At the annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner on Saturday, President Obama started his remarks by acknowledging that the rollout of could have gone better. The president joked that "in 2008, my slogan was...
by Guest Blogger May 08, 2014

Rebranding in Professional Sports: The Good, Sporting Kansas City

Over the next three months, we will be publishing a series on rebranding in professional sports. We will cover the good, the bad, and the unknown. This week, the good. Sporting Kansas City. Major League...
by Guest Blogger May 07, 2014

The Heartbleed Backstory and the Awesome Power of Branding

[caption id="attachment_2151" align="alignright" width="247"] This logo makes it clear that you do not want your computer to have Heartbleed, even if you don't know what Heartbleed is.[/caption] When a software vulnerability is discovered, it is...
by Guest Blogger May 06, 2014

Stretching Trademark Law

Hi. I'm Mari-Elise, and I'm your newest Trademarkologist. Allow me to quickly introduce myself. My favorite things include practicing trademark law, cooking, University of Louisville athletics, and coffee. Oh, and I LOVE yoga. I'm completely...
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC May 05, 2014

The Most Interesting Trademark in the World

Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for "fifth of May") is an annual celebration held on May 5 in Mexico and the United States. Contrary to popular belief, Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day (that's...
by Guest Blogger May 01, 2014

Through the Google Glass: A Glance at Wearable Technology Trademarks

Things are about to get meta. This is me taking a picture of me on my iPhone with my Google Glass. Hashtag selfie. Is wearable technology a glance into the future? Possibly. If it is...
by Guest Blogger April 30, 2014