

Brands, Trademarks, and Registration

The Coolest-Looking Federally Registered Canned Craft Beers

The craft beer business is booming. The latest trends include cask-conditioned beer and sour beer. However, the hottest trend might not have anything to do with brewing. Rather, it is the "canvolution" of craft beer.Oskar...
by Guest Blogger July 24, 2014

Get to Know a Musical Through Trademarks: Les Misérables

[caption id="attachment_3168" align="alignright" width="225"] My girlfriend (Sara) and I after seeing Les Mis in London[/caption] As Trademarkology's resident theatre fanboy, from time to time, I will be exploring when two of my favorite worlds collide...
by Guest Blogger July 23, 2014

Cocktail Recipe: University of Louisville + Maker's Mark + Stites & Harbison = Academic Excellence

Name three completely unrelated things you love. Any three. Now imagine those unrelated things coming together to do something incredible (sorry, Doritos Locos Tacos are only two things). Well, that's just happened to me. Anyone...
by Guest Blogger July 22, 2014

Co-Branding Remix: Atari Slamwich From Denny's

I'm dating myself, but I loved Atari when I was a kid. Great games; great logo; once-great brand. Later in life, like most college kids, I also ate breakfast at absurd times at various Denny's...
by Guest Blogger July 18, 2014

Trademark Week in Review: July 18, 2014

Here's your weekly roundup of stories in the world of trademarks: Mari-Elise raises a glass to "DUKE JOHN WAYNE" bourbon; Kevin ugly-cried due to the powerful branding of Thai Life Insurance; Kevin ugly-cried reading LeBron's...
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC July 18, 2014

Life After Lance Armstrong: The Livestrong Foundation Rebrands

Now that the World Cup is over, the eyes of the sports world will focus on the Tour de France. The Tour has reached its halfway point, and there has been no shortage of excitement...
by Guest Blogger July 17, 2014

Cleveland is Cool Again! What LeBron's Return Means to the Trademark World

We have previously written about LeBron and Johnny Football. Now, they are together in Cleveland (and represented by the same marketing agent, Maverick Carter). Cleveland is cool again! At least, that is what one trademark...
by Guest Blogger July 16, 2014

Branding Extremes: Panda Cheese v. Thai Life Insurance

While there are many ways to approach branding, it is nearly impossible to brand your product in a way that appeals to everyone. Branding to appeal to everyone will, at best, result in the commoditization...
by Guest Blogger July 15, 2014