

Brands, Trademarks, and Registration

There is No "i" in Apple

Yes. I watched the Apple live event yesterday. Yes. I followed it up by re-watching Steve Jobs announce the first iPhone in 2007. Yes. I will be shelling out for the iPhone 6 Plus (and...
by Guest Blogger September 10, 2014

Re-Brands We Luv- Southwest Airlines Wears Its Heart on Its Belly

The folks here at Trademarkology are big fans of Southwest Airlines, which is convenient since Nashville is a Southwest "hub" (I use quotes because they don't really follow the hub model). Yesterday, we were excited...
by Guest Blogger September 09, 2014

Trademark™ the Brand

Since it's NYC Fashion Week, it only seems appropriate that we combine two of my favorite topics: fashion and trademarks. I recently learned that there's a new clothing brand for twenty-and-thirty-somethings like myself called TRADEMARK...
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC September 08, 2014

Are you a Twitpic? It’s Okay, Really.

By: Justin McNaughton Twitpic recently announced that they would be shutting down after a recent spat with Twitter over Twitpic's name. The Twitpic problem is a fairly common one, but one that can be avoided...
by Guest Blogger September 05, 2014

Trademark Week in Review: September 5, 2014

Here's your weekly roundup of stories in the world of trademarks: Mari-Elise made a splash with the Ice Bucket Challenge; Bill somehow refrained from making a bunch of poop puns when discussing Hershey's rebrand; Kevin...
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC September 05, 2014

Trademark Searching Like A Rock Star

Regular readers of the blog will know that I'm currently watching a lot of Music Choice on cable TV due to its magical ability to soothe my 2-month old daughter. In the process, I'm stumbling...
by Guest Blogger September 04, 2014

Of Mice and Men 2: The Disney/Deadmau5 Saga Continues

In April, we wrote about an ongoing game of mouse and mouse between Disney and EDM DJ Joel Zimmerman, aka Deadmau5. We predicted that Disney would oppose the DJ's attempt to receive federal trademark protection...
by Guest Blogger September 03, 2014

Hershey’s Brand Refresh Lacks Freshness

Last week, Hershey updated its classic logo and unveiled a more modern look. Gone is the skeuomorphic design that featured an embossed "Hershey's" trademark as it appeared on its chocolate bar and a photographic representation...
by Guest Blogger September 02, 2014