

Brands, Trademarks, and Registration

Trademarkology Salutes Fischer Packing Company

With Trademarkology declaring this to be "Pork Week," it's nostalgic for me to salute Fischer Packing Company, a 20th Century icon here in Louisville, Kentucky which is integrally a part of my family history. After...
by Guest Blogger March 09, 2015

Some Pig

Wilbur is not the only one with a claim to fame in the world of pork. The entire industry benefits from a mark found to be famous, a status accorded to only a very select...
by Alexandra MacKay March 05, 2015

Trois Petits Cochon Huffs and Puffs at Three Little Pigs Charcuterie & Salumi

Since my colleague Jack Wheat has designated the entire week as "pork week," I have been asked to write on a pig-related theme. Writing on this theme is not new to me - I previously...
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC March 04, 2015

Trademark Territoriality – Where You Use Your Mark Still Matters

How do you know where to register your trademark? Trademark rights have been traditionally tied to geography. In the U.S. and in many other countries, a trademark owner only has rights in a mark to...
by Guest Blogger March 03, 2015

Restaurateurs Squeal When Ramsay Registers "THE SPOTTED PIG"

Restauranteurs wanted to hogtie Gordon Ramsay when they found out he'd applied to register the mark THE SPOTTED PIG in the United Kingdom.On October 2, 2012, Ramsay, a famous British television chef, applied to register...
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC March 02, 2015

It's Pork Week!

According to multiple sources such as and Wikipedia, March 1 each year is designated as "National Pig Day." We suspect it is not coincidental that this week, from March 3rd throught the 6th, the...
by Guest Blogger March 01, 2015

Bob Marley's Heirs Jammin' With a Win at the Ninth Circuit

Bob Marley's heirs got up, stood up, stood up for their rights. They didn't give up the fight and last week were sucessful in their claim under Section 43(a) of the Trademark Act before the...
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC February 26, 2015

Mustaches and Trademarks.

Someone somewhere has declared that today, February 24, 2015, is NATIONAL MUSTACHE DAY. Who would have thought. There must be a day for just about anything of interest to any subset of society.And for some...
by Guest Blogger February 24, 2015