March 01, 2015

It's Pork Week!

by Guest Blogger

According to multiple sources such as and Wikipedia, March 1 each year is designated as "National Pig Day." We suspect it is not coincidental that this week, from March 3rd throught the 6th, the National Barbeque Association (the NBBQ") is hosting its annual Conference and Trade Show, this years gathering convening in Nashville, Tennessee.


Some of our TRADEMARKOLOGY contributors have enjoyed the honor of speaking from time to time at the NBBQ's annual meeting on matters trademark protection and we are pleased to represent many of the NBBQ's members in relation to protecting their trademark portfolios.

Accordingly, in honor of the NBBQ, National Pig Day, and our numerous clients in pork related industries, we at TRADEMARKOLOGY hereby declare this to be not merely a day, rather, we proclaim this to be PORK WEEK. Accordingly, our postings this week will be devoted to the proverbial pig and anything both porcine and trademark related our writers can conjure up. Oink. Oink.



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