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Brands We Love: TUMI Luggage
by Guest Blogger
Here at Trademarkology, we value diversity. Each Trademarkologist brings a different perspective and set of skills to the table, honed from varied backgrounds, life experiences, and interests. We believe that fostering and valuing these diverse perspectives allows us to find creative solutions to the challenges facing our clients. It also means we rarely agree on anything. When we do, it warrants sharing.
We all agree that TUMI luggage is a great brand. We are particularly fond of TUMI's iconic "Alpha" line, which provides frequent travelers with cleverly designed all-black bags made of ballistic nylon. TUMI's bags somehow manage to look and feel luxurious while maintaining an unmatched ruggedness and durability. I fully expect to use my TUMI luggage my entire life.
TUMI's founder, Charlie Clifford, named the brand after an ancient Peruvian ceremonial knife. According to Trademarkology's staff anthropologist and ancient South American culture expert, Dr. Wik I. Pedia, a High Priest would use the tumi to "open [a llama's] chest and with his hands pull out its throbbing heart, lungs and viscera, so that observing those elements he could foretell the future." The TUMI name, therefore, is a perfect fit for luggage, given that this is the same process used by TSA during airport security screenings.
In the end, it is TUMI's consistency that we love the most. We know that when we save up and add a new TUMI "Alpha" product to our collection, the style, quality, and performance will always be the same. To earn undying brand loyalty like we have for TUMI, every business should strive for this level of consistency in its branding.
The lawyers at Trademarkology provide trademark registration services backed by the experience and service of one of the nation's oldest law firms. Click here to begin the process of protecting your brand name with a federally registered trademark.