Press Releases
October 11, 2019

Stites & Harbison Donates $1 Million to UK College of Law

by Stites & Harbison, PLLC

LOUISVILLE, Ky.—Stites & Harbison, PLLC has donated $1 million to the University of Kentucky College of Law in support of current and future UK law students and the newly renovated Law Building. In recognition of the gift, the second-floor Main Commons area will be named for Stites & Harbison.

“Through the support of Stites & Harbison, the College of Law is well on its way to providing the 21st century legal educational experience that the next generation of law students requires,” said UK Law Interim Dean Mary Davis, Ashland-Spears Distinguished Research Professor of Law. “We are grateful for the generosity of Stites & Harbison for helping make it possible.”

Stites & Harbison has a long history of supporting UK Law through endowed scholarships and professorships. In addition, the firm encourages personnel in its 10 offices to hold leadership roles in civic and charitable organizations in their communities, which mirrors UK Law’s mission to prepare students to become attorneys who serve the country and Commonwealth of Kentucky and contribute to the advancement of justice. In 2017 and 2018, Stites & Harbison provided more than 11,000 hours of pro bono work to various organizations and individuals.

“It’s of paramount importance to us to give back and support the College of Law’s endeavors,” said Robert M. Connolly, Chair of the firm. “Our success directly correlates with the success of the University of Kentucky and the College of Law. Both generate impressive graduates for us as well as ancillary businesses that need sophisticated legal services. Both the university and the College of Law enrich the lives of so many in Kentucky, and we want to support those efforts.”

UK and UK Law alumnus, Steve Ruschell, a member of Stites & Harbison’s Business and Real Estate Service Groups, encouraged the firm and its individual College of Law graduates to invest in UK Law and the future of the legal profession.

“We value education, and placing an emphasis on a creative and technologically advanced facility that is like new will only improve the caliber of student who graduates from the College of Law,” Ruschell said.