Press Releases
July 17, 2014

Stites & Harbison debuts innovative technology system

by Stites & Harbison, PLLC

Commitment to client service, commitment to communities served

LOUISVILLE, Ky.—Stites & Harbison, PLLC, recently completed a firm-wide upgrade to its video conference and multi-media presentation system. The new system empowers attorneys, staff, and clients to collaborate with anyone in the world using virtually every platform of personal mobile device, tablet, or computer.

Installation of the latest collaborative technology enhances Stites & Harbison’s multi-state and international delivery of legal services and supports the firm’s commitment to meet client needs in the most efficient and secure environment.

“Because we live in a world where advances in technology are making it easier for clients to conduct business anywhere at any time, the firm recognized the importance of upgrading to state-of-the-art technology to better serve clients’ needs,” said Marjorie Farris, Louisville Office Executive Member. “We are extremely proud and pleased with the results, and we know Stites & Harbison, its clients and others in the communities we serve will benefit from these improvements.”

The new system is cost-effective and efficient. According to Tab Barton, Stites & Harbison’s Director of Information Systems, “With the system’s user-friendly technology, anyone – client or employee – can enter a room and immediately conduct business.”

In partnership with Stites & Harbison, Radiant Technology Group, a visual communications integrator, analyzed the firm’s unique professional culture to help determine the most effective methods of using technology to connect people with ideas. Eric Wiegel, Systems Consultant for Radiant, said, “We are pleased to partner with a forward-thinking firm like Stites & Harbison that embraces collaboration tools that are easy to use, decrease common downtime, and improve workflow efficiency. The bottom-line is they now have an advantage to offer their clients.”

The technology enhancements include:

  • Automatic trouble-free connection (Instant On)
  • Integrated systems with strong mobile support – PDAs, tablets laptops, video/audio conference and displays
  • “Bring Your Own Device” presentations and content
  • On-screen annotation
  • Powerful, bright and high-resolution projectors
  • Meeting format versatility
  • Tailored room lighting based on room layout and format
  • Flawless audio for versatile formats
  • Easy viewing of content from anywhere

“Stites & Harbison now has leading edge productivity tools that busy executives, attorneys and other professionals can easily use without a computer science degree,” said Steve Ross, Radiant Systems Consultant. “If you are familiar with tablets and smart phones, you can simply engage the technology and benefit from all of its comprehensive features.”