EPA's Proposed Revisions to the Definition of Solid Waste
AWMA Southern Section Annual Meeting, July 22, 2013
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC
Presentation to the AWMA Southern Section Annual Meeting. Greg Young moderated and Clark Spoden was a presenter along with Robert S. Nakamoto, P.E. CHMM, TDEC; Rick Whitson, P.E., TDEC; and Janet G. Evans, Eastman Chemical Company.
Overview / Background
- Threshold - materials that are not a solid waste are not subject to regulation under RCRA
- Key component - to be a waste subject to RCRA, the material must be "discarded"
- 2008 Rule - encourge recycling by expanding materials that are not considered "discarded"
- 2009 Sierra Club administrative petition - settlement agreement
- 2011 Rule - proposed amendments to 2008 Rule
- 12/31/2012 - 2011 Proposed Rule expected to have gone into effect