Issues & Influencers: How State Tax Reform Impacts Business
Greater Louisville, Inc., 614 West Main Street, Suite 6000 (Boardroom), Louisville, KY 40202
Join GLI for an in-depth discussion of how recent changes to Kentucky’s tax code will impact business and economic growth in Greater Louisville.
10th Annual Transportation Construction Law & Regulatory Forum
ARTBA Offices, 250 East Street, S.W., Suite 900, Washington, D.C. 20024
At this interactive event, speakers will share practical, real-world perspectives regarding laws and regulations that could impact the bottom line and other aspects of your business.
27th Annual Business and Industry's Sustainability and Environmental, Health & Safety Symposium
Duke Energy Center, 525 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio
This is the one conference you'll want to attend. Attendance will give you the competitive edge in meeting today's complex regulatory challenges and help you manage differently in the changing business world.
Kentucky Medical Association Employment Contracting Seminar
Louisville Marriott East, 1903 Embassy Square Boulevard, Louisville, KY 40299
This event is designed to educate physicians on employment contracts.
Class Actions and Complex Litigation; Creating a Cutting-Edge Solution to Class Action Litigation
As class actions continue to surge and impact various regulatory landscapes, companies are driven to establish tactical defense strategies and create a cutting-edge solution to class actions and complex litigation.
2017 Fall Meeting
Lexington Lunch & Learn 2017: Succession Planning Wisdom
Portofino's Restaurant, 249 East Main Street, Lexington, KY 40507
You and a guest are invited to attend the Family Business Lunch & Learn: Succession Planning Wisdom.
(ISC)² Security Congress 2017