Client Alerts

Lesson in Caution: Capital Call Provisions in Operating Agreements

On August 26, 2010, the Supreme Court of Kentucky issued its decision in Racing Investment Fund 2000, LLC v. Clay Ward Agency, Inc. (Case No. 2007-CA-002282-MR). The decision addressed the question of whether a...
by David E. Longenecker September 24, 2010
Client Alerts

New law brings changes for Kentucky business owners

Kentucky Senate Bill 150, also known as the “2010 Kentucky Business Entities Act,” was signed into law by Governor Beshear on April 13, 2010 and will become effective on July 15, 2010. Included among...
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC July 07, 2010
Client Alerts

CMS proposes rule on Stark Physician Imaging Notice

On Friday, June 25th, CMS announced its intentions with respect to the notice physicians are required by Section 6003 of PPACA to give to patients upon referral for an MRI, CT or PET service...
by Janet A. Craig July 01, 2010
Client Alerts

Know your options for green energy incentives

Sustainable, or “green,” construction practices have gone from fringe movement to mainstream. A significant part of these practices, as reflected in the LEED rating system, concern energy conservation and efficiency. However, concerns still exist...
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC June 18, 2010
Client Alerts

Tennessee foreclosure statutes: Lenders, take note

Lenders, take note. Two new statutory provisions were signed into law that affect foreclosure procedures and a lender’s efforts to establish a deficiency judgment. A new notice requirement for foreclosures of owner-occupied principal residences...
by Erika R. Barnes June 18, 2010
Client Alerts

Biotechnology companies receive R&D incentive from Health Care Reform

Small biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies got a dose of incentive from Health Care Reform in the form of a Federal tax credit and grant program. The Therapeutic Discovery Project Tax Credit program (“TDPC”) sets...
by Mandy Wilson Decker April 29, 2010
Client Alerts

Contractors Beware - Strings Attached to Projects using Stimulus Funds

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Pub. L. No. 11-5 (“ARRA”), was signed into law by President Obama in February of 2009. The ARRA’s primary goals are to (1) create new jobs and save...
by Steven M. Henderson April 05, 2010
Client Alerts

Homebuilder's commercial liability insurance may not completely protect you

In a recent decision involving the defective construction of a home, The Kentucky Supreme Court held that a claim for defective construction against a homebuilder is not covered by the homebuilder’s commercial general liability...
by Michael D. Risley March 30, 2010