Client Alerts

FTC Weighs in on Mobile Apps

Are you developing an App or assisting someone who is? As soon as you begin distributing an App you are an advertiser governed by U.S. advertising laws and subject to the reach of the...
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC September 11, 2012
Client Alerts

Here we go again: DC Circuit vacates Cross-State Air Pollution Rule

The decades-long efforts of the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate cross-state air pollution under the so called "Good Neighbor Provision" of the Clean Air Act took another turn yesterday when the United States Court...
by Kenneth J. Gish Jr. August 22, 2012
Client Alerts

Attorneys General target data privacy

The tobacco litigation of the 1990s ushered in a new era of coordination between the nation’s attorneys general. Previously, these officials had operated individually, pursuing state specific goals and lawsuits. The success of the...
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC July 17, 2012
Client Alerts

Kentucky's Court of Appeals upholds indemnity exclusion

On May 18, 2012, the Kentucky Court of Appeals rendered a decision that is important to every Kentucky entity that maintains insurance coverage for the benefit of its directors and officers. In Lake Cumberland...
by David E. Longenecker June 22, 2012
Client Alerts

The American Institute of Architects Releases New Sustainable Project

On May 17, 2012, the American Institute of Architects (the "AIA") released five new construction documents relating to sustainable project construction, or "green" related projects, and an updated scope of services documents for LEED®...
by Gregory P. Parsons May 22, 2012
Client Alerts

Is Green building here to stay?

Since 1998, private owners have been incorporating sustainable design and construction practices in their buildings by utilizing the LEED Rating System established by the United States Green Building Council (“USGBC”). Starting in 2003, federal...
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC May 04, 2012
Client Alerts

Cash the Check? Maybe not . . .

The Kentucky Court of Appeals recently reminded creditors that, even if the debtor’s check is not in the mail but has actually been delivered, it’s not always a good idea to cash it. Estes v...
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC May 01, 2012
Client Alerts

New Law Brings Changes to Kentucky's Condominium Laws

On April 11, 2012, Governor Steve Beshear signed into law House Bill 433, and in doing so took Kentucky's condominium laws a step closer towards clarity and towards uniformity with the laws of many other states.

by T. Gregory Ehrhard April 11, 2012