Indiana court rules that language in contract controls guarantors' obligations
In a ruling favorable to lenders and trade creditors defending attacks by guarantors, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana denied a motion to dismiss a creditor's suit to enforce...
Patent Claims More Vulnerable to Invalidity Attacks After Supreme Court
On the Same Day, to Study Ways of Improving Patent Claim Clarity, the USPTO Launches Glossary Pilot Program Offering Expedited Processing for Software Patent Applications While claims are recognized as being the most important...
One For the Money: Supreme Court Holds the Single-Entity Rule
The Supreme Court ruled yesterday on two more of the several intellectual property cases argued before it this year. In Limelight Networks, Inc. v Akamai Technologies, Inc. the Supreme Court addressed the issue of...
Raging Bull and Unintended Consequences of the CTEA?
The U.S. Supreme Court today handed down its decision holding that the Copyright Act’s statute of limitation barring actions not brought within three years of infringing conduct may end the analysis of whether claims...
If you do business in China, are you protected?
See Chinese version below. As a new trademark law goes into effect today in China, this is a good time to evaluate your level of protection. If you do business in China or plan...
Supreme Court Issues Two Cases Controlling When Attorney's Fees May Be Awarded in Patent Suits
The following article represents the second in a series dedicated to reporting on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions impacting intellectual property rights in 2014. Patent infringement litigation is expensive – and the cost of...
2014 Tennessee Legislative Report: Two Important Employment Laws
The 2014 Tennessee General Assembly passed two important employment laws giving employees limited additional (or clarified) rights and imposing important limitations on the remedies available to employees under the Tennessee Human Rights Act. Both appear...
FTC fires shot across the bow: Is your social media contest next?
Our 2012 alert, “Like us” On Social Media! An Endorsement Under Advertising Laws? addressed the Federal Trade Commission’s decision on the implication of consumer “Likes” on social media platforms such as Facebook. At that...