Client Alerts

NLRB Sets Path for Rulemaking Resolution of the Joint Employer Standard

The latest news regarding a possible path for resolution of the standard by which a franchisor may be held to be a “joint employer” of its franchisees’ employees, and thus liable for those employees’ claims...
by Michael C. White June 21, 2018
Client Alerts

The steel tariff. What does it mean to the construction industry and to individual steel fabricators?

As of mid-June the administration’s Section 232¹ 25% steel tariff will have been a topic of discussion for over three months. Some aspects of the tariffs have become clearer than they were when the tariff was first announced in March.

by Steven M. Henderson , Gregory P. Parsons , and David B. Ratterman June 13, 2018
Client Alerts

Doing the Right Thing, But Not Doing It Right, Can Be Fatal: The False Claims Act

Today, there are more programs than ever at the federal, state and local levels to ensure the participation of small businesses in contracting opportunities. Congress, as well as many state and local legislators, have enacted...
by Stites & Harbison, PLLC May 11, 2018
Client Alerts

Kentucky Amends Public-Private Partnership Laws to Reduce Red Tape

In 2016, Kentucky enacted legislation that opened the door for innovative market-driven solutions for infrastructure projects through the use of public-private partnerships (“P3”). P3 allows for a contractual agreement between a public owner and a...
by Steven M. Henderson April 20, 2018
Client Alerts

Waters of the United States Forecast: Continued Cloudiness, No End in Sight

In previous alerts we addressed the continued national confusion about the nature and extent of federal jurisdiction over properties exhibiting “waters of the United States” asking, “What Are Waters of the United States” and “Why It Matters.”

by William T. Gorton III March 19, 2018
Client Alerts

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Opens the Door for Energy Storage Development

On February 15, 2018, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) unanimously issued Order No. 841¹ which has the potential to dramatically alter the electricity grid and wholesale energy market in large parts of the United...
by Kenneth J. Gish Jr. February 23, 2018
Client Alerts

State of Jobsite Safety: 2018

Jobsite safety remains of paramount importance for all involved in the construction industry. Recently published statistics from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (“NIOSH”) and the National Safety Council (“NSC”) reflect that...
by William G. Geisen February 20, 2018
Client Alerts

New Markets Tax Credits Aid in the Financing of Charter Schools

On March 22, 2017, Governor Matt Bevin signed into law the Kentucky Charter School bills which empower local Kentucky school boards with the rights and responsibilities of creating and operating charter schools.

by Stites & Harbison, PLLC January 18, 2018