Data Privacy Day: Scanning Data Privacy Issues for 2021
Every January 28, the United States, Canada, and 27 countries of the European Union celebrate Data Privacy Day, which is an international effort to create awareness about the importance of safeguarding data and respecting privacy.
I Mailed It . . . But Can I Prove It?
The U.S. Postal Service has seen increased demands on its services over the last year. In fact, the majority of us have had an experience with a piece of mail that took a little longer than expected to get to its destination.
Hospitals, Are You in Compliance? Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Price Transparency Rule is in Effect
Although hospitals are still devoting their full attention and resources to responding to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, they are expected to comply with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) price transparency rule. After withstanding a recent legal challenge, the rule went into effect on January 1, 2021.
The New Stimulus Package and the Next Round of Paycheck Protection Program Loans
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (the “Appropriations Act”), one of the longest bills ever passed in the history of the U.S. Congress, was signed into law on December 27, 2020. This legislation provides approximately $900 billion in new stimulus funding, of which $284 billion has been allocated to the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”).
PPP Update: AGC Lawsuit Hammers Away at the SBA, Alleging Violations of Borrowers’ Constitutional Rights
The Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. (“AGC”), the U.S. construction industry’s largest trade association, has taken dead aim at the controversial Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) loan necessity questionnaire (the “Questionnaire”) that was recently introduced by the U.S. Small Business Administration (“SBA”) and the so-called PPP “necessity” certification (the “Necessity Certification”). The Necessity Certification is the SBA requirement that PPP loan applicants certify in good faith that economic uncertainty makes the loan request necessary to support ongoing operations.
FFCRA Paid Leave is Ending but COVID-19 Continues: Considerations for Employers Handling COVID-19 Issues in 2021
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”), applicable to certain public employers and private employers with fewer than 500 employees, had two major provisions: the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (“EPSLA”) and the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act (“E-FMLA”).
What Employers Need to Know About COVID-19 Vaccines
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) recently posted an updated and expanded technical assistance publication that provides information to employers and employees about how COVID-19 vaccination interacts with various legal requirements. The publication addresses issues pertaining to medical pre-screening questions and employer accommodations for those unable to receive a vaccination.
Will COVID-19 Toll the Statute of Limitations in Product Liability Actions?
As the COVID-19 pandemic stretches into 2021 with no clear end in sight, a good question for product liability defendants is whether the pandemic will have a tolling effect on the applicable statute of limitations. In product liability cases, state law provides a statute of limitations to bar untimely-filed claims against the product manufacturer, distributor, or retailer. The point is to provide a predictable time period for a plaintiff to investigate the claim, identify the proper parties, and file suit.