
Banking on Industrial Hemp

Colorado has legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use. Kentucky has legalized the production of industrial hemp. Both substances are derived from the same species, cannabis sativa l., which Congress has declared unlawful under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).

by Richard A. Vance March 31, 2016

Hidden costs of chips

No, not potato chips, micro-chips! Beginning October 1, 2015, merchants and card-issuers may be liable for fraudulent transactions, depending on who’s the #LeastTechSavvy.

by Stites & Harbison, PLLC September 08, 2015

Extreme Sports Challenge the Courts

Extreme sports are increasingly popular in the U.S., and participation is growing. "Extreme" means different things to different people. But participation is not only up in sports such as mountain biking and snowboarding, more people also are bungee jumping, hang gliding, wind surfing and rock climbing.

by Emily Larish Startsman and John L. Tate August 11, 2015

Compelling Discovery for Foreign Arbitrations

In today’s global economy, product manufacturers resource materials and components, sell their products, and expose themselves to potential litigation in countries far from the manufacturer’s home base.

by J. Brittany Cross Carlson August 10, 2015

Preparation & Protection are essential assets

Kentucky was the 47th state to pass cybersecurity legislation with the 2014 creation of state law KRS 365.732 in 2014.

by Rachel Reynolds July 10, 2015

6th Circuit Joins Majority of Circuits by Taking Narrow View of FCA Public Disclosure Bar

During February of this year, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals joined the majority of circuits and held that the disclosure of information to the government during an audit or investigation does not constitute a “public disclosure” and subsequently does not create a jurisdictional bar to a qui tam action under the federal False Claims Act (“FCA”).

by Stites & Harbison, PLLC April 15, 2015

Lawyers with Big Hearts

Nashville office attorney Rebecca McKelvey Castañeda was awarded the Harris Gilbert Pro Bono Volunteer of the Year for 2014.

by Barry Kolar January 12, 2015

Sustainability and Biofuels

As the saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for; you might get it." This describes the current state of biofuels.

by W. Blaine Early III December 15, 2014